Looking forward...
...to the next life stage. I don't know if I'm weird for feeling this way but most of the time, when I think about what I want to do...or when I look to see who is doing that I want to do...I always end up focusing on someone who is a life stage (or a decade in years) ahead of me.
When I was in college, I looked at the lives of those who were working. When I was working, I envied those in grad school. When I was in grad school, I couldn't wait to get out to join others who had moved on with their lives.
Why does it always seem that I need another 5 - 10 years of experience before I can do the things I want to do NOW?! And when I get to the point where I have lived those additional years, what I want to do changes into something that I can't do unless I "wait" another few years.
I just hope that there will always be that "thing" waiting for me to do at the up ahead. Otherwise, I guess I wouldn't have much to get up for in the morning.
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